Geological Agency, Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, proudly presents this special publication entitled “ OIL SHALE POTENTIAL AS AN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE IN SELECTED SITES OF SUMATRA ISLAND”. The main purpose of this publication is to document significant geological aspects related to the oil shale deposits especially in elected sites of Sumatra, so that the geoscientist community can learn from the oil shale publication for a better advancement of geological science as well as successful oil shale exploration in the future. This book is published as one of the geoscience publication of Geological Agency. Geological Agency, particularly concerns about making this documentation available because of the rarity of such geological references on oil shale in Sumatra. In contrast to petroleum references, we hardly ever found any publications on Indonesian oil shale geology, particularly in Sumatra. This rarity might be explained by the absence of such geological events on coal geology and mineral in Indonesia. On behalf of Gological Agency, I would like to thank all the authors of the published book, reviewers, and to the editorial team as well. Their effort eventually leads to the Geological Agency publication which hopefully can be used as one contribution to the geoscience community in Indonesia.
Kata Kunci :
Oil, Oil Shale, Potential, Alternative Energy, Sites, Sumatra Island
1 | Penerbit | : Badan Geologi - Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral | |
2 | Penulis | : Nana Suwarna, M. Heri Hermiyanto Jazuli, M. Iqbal, Rian Koswara | |
3 | Editor | : Hermes Panggabean, Yunus Kusumahbrata | |
4 | Layouter | : Rian Koswara | |
5 | Cover | : Softcover | |
6 | Tebal | : 133 halaman | |
7 | Berat | : 350 gram | |
8 | Ukuran | : A5 14,8 cm x 21 cm | |
9 | ISBN | : - | |
10 | Cetakan | : 2024 | |
11 | Dikunjungi | : 125x | |
12 | Diunduh | : 19x | |
13 | URL | : |